Horizon 2020 CLAiR-City project

Techne Consulting is a partner of the Clair-City project (Citizen Led Air pollution Reduction in Cities), funded by the European Community in the framework of Horizon 2020 with over € 6.5 million, started on may 2016 and with  duration 48 months. It is conducted by a consortium of universities (University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom; Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark), research centers (Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning NILU, Norway), government agencies (Ministerie van Infrastrutture en Milieu, Netherlands, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistic, Netherlands), international organizations (Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Hungary) and SMEs (Trinomics, Netherlands, Techne Consulting, Italy, Transport & Mobility Leven, Belgium).

The project follows the Research and Innovation actions type of funding scheme and addresses the Topic SC5-04-2015 - “Improving the Air Quality and Reducing the Carbon Footprint of European Cities”.

CLAiR-City will apportion air pollution emissions and concentrations, carbon footprints and health outcomes by city citizens’ behaviour and day-to-day activities in order to make these challenges relevant to how people chose to live, behave and interact within their city environment. Through an innovative engagement and quantification toolkit, we will stimulate the public engagement necessary to allow citizens to define a range of future city scenarios for reducing their emissions to be used for supporting and informing the development of bespoke city policy packages out to 2050.

Read more: Horizon 2020 CLAiR-City project

Two workshops on the containment of atmospheric emissions from biomass combustion

The work of Techne Consulting, for Sogesid SpA and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, as part of the CReIAMOPA project, about the analysis and implementation of 7 particularly important case studies in the development and dissemination of procedure for the containment of atmospheric emissions deriving from the combustion of biomass for civil use was presented in Milan on 5 October and in Rome on 27 October::

  • CS1 International experiences in the management of the biomass combustion phenomenon
  • CS2 Incentive sources for biomass fueled civil heating systems
  • CS3 Regional cadastres of thermal plants with reference to biomass combustion
  • CS4 Legal and technical regulations on biomass-fueled thermal plants
  • CS5 Classification of biomass fueled civil heating systems
  • CS6 Emission limits in real conditions of biomass fueled civil heating systems
  • CS7 Burning of agricultural residues

Task Force on Emissions Inventories and Projections 2023

The 2023 annual meeting of TFEIP, the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution took place in Oxford, UK on 18th - 20th April. The meeting was held in a hybrid format meaning that participants could join online or in person at St Anne's College, Oxford. Over 100 experts attended. Our Technical Director Carlo Trozzi chaired the  Combustion & Industry Expert Panel of which he is co-leader and presented Preliminary results of the Horizon iCHANGE project at Projection Expert Panel.

Campania Region of Italy - Update of air quality plan

The Regional Council of the Campania Region adopted in the session of 28 September, with resolution no. 412, the update of the Plan for the Protection of Air Quality after the favorable opinion on the V.A.S. and on the V.I. issued on 3 August 2021. The update of the Plan was proposed by the General Management - Soil Defense and the Ecosystem and was drawn up with the support of Techne Consulting as part of the assignment for "Technical support for the drafting of the Protection Plan of Air Quality ". The measures of the Plan incorporate and expand those established in the Ministry of the Environment (now MiTe) / Campania Region Agreement signed on 11 February 2021 and enter into force from the date of approval.

Abruzzo Region of Italy - Update of air quality plan

On 13 January 2022, the Regional Council of the Abruzzo Region adopted the provision aimed at updating the Air Quality Regional Plan which has, among its main purposes, the identification of "quality objectives of the air aimed at avoiding, preventing or reducing harmful effects on human health "and at maintaining the quality of the ambient air, where good, and improving it in other cases. The update of the  Air Quality Regional Plan, which will replace the previous Plan, contains plans and measures aimed at avoiding exceeding the limit values and limit levels, reducing the risk of exceeding the limit values, objective and alarm thresholds in the areas where the risk of exceeding the alarm threshold arises, to limit the duration of any episodes of exceeding, with the relative provision of interventions to be implemented in the short term to achieve these purposes. The Plan was drawn up with the support of Techne Consulting srl as part of the assignment of the Abruzzo Region for "Updating the Regional Plan for the Protection of Air Quality"