Models and software systems development

In the following the activities related to the software are listed; when the implementation of systems and their provision are integrated with the planning and production of inventories and registers, the tasks are listed below with their voices (Plans and programmes e Inventories and registers).

  • Provision of emissions inventory at 2km and services for the start-up of the Chimere model
    ARPA Campania, 2019
  • Provision of software for the management of the new regional inventory of emissions for interface with the modeling
    Consorzio Lamma, 2019
  • Provision of program SETS for road transport air pollutants estimation and of its interface with VISUM traffic model
    Florence Municipality, 2014
  • Provision of a supplementary software for inventory IRSE management
    Consorzio Lamma, 2013
  • Provision of E2Gov new components (Regional energy balance)
    Datasiel, 2012
  • Update of APEX software for emissions inventory management
    Consorzio Lamma, 2012
  • APEX software provision for emissions inventory and training
    Consorzio Lamma, 2010
  • Software update for regional emission inventory management
    ARPA Umbria, 2010
  • Support to the Montenegro Government for the development of activities related to air pollution
    Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, 2006
  • AirSuite software provision for air quality plan and emission inventory management
    Sicilia Region, 2006
  • RAAP software pro
  • Vision – a rapid system for emissions estimation
    Tuscany Region, 2005
  • Software support related to the Air Quality Management Plan
    ARPA Umbria, 2005
  • Support related to the management and evolved use system of environmental data
    Datasiel, 2003
  • Support related to the management and evolved use system of environmental data
    Datasiel, 2002
  • Support for the predisposition of the operative environment necessary for information system data entry supporting the regional energy plan (PEAR)
    Datasiel, 2002
  • AirSuite software and services provision for the transfer of air management plan tools to ARPA in Umbria Region
    ARPA Umbria, 2002
  • Implementation of the Territorial Information System (GIS) for mapping critical levels of ozone across national territory
    ENEA, 2002
  • AirSuite software and services provision for the air pollutant emission inventory and for the use of air diffusion models within ARPAT
    ARPAT Toscana, 2002
  • Provision of the necessary hardware and software for the management of the integrated emission inventory
    Genova Province, 2001
  • Implementation of a database of the techniques and technologies of protection and remediation and of the methodologies of characterisation, monitoring and cartographic representation of polluted soils
    ENEA, 2001
  • Provision of the integrated APEX and PREM information system for the management of the emission inventory
    Genova Province, 2000
  • Provision of a plotter
    Rome Municipality, 2000
  • Hardware provision necessary to P.O.M. activities, Irrigation – Action 1
    INEA (Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria), 2000
  • Support related to Air quality management plan information system of Tuscany Region
    Tuscany Region, 1999
  • Project and implementation of an information system for the evaluation of environmental risks from contaminated soils
    ENEA, 1998
  • Implementation and provision of emission inventory management software
    Milano Province , 1998
  • Provision of emissions estimation models for insertion in the information system with a view to the development of air quality management actions
    Datasiel spa, 1998
  • Implementation of the "Information System for the Evaluation and the Control of Energy Resources in Livorno Province"
    Livorno Municipality, 1998
  • Provision of systems and services for the implementation of the emission inventory (APEX) within the information system finalized to the activities of regional air quality management planning
    Datasiel spa, 1998
  • Provision of the programmes SETS and AIR AIR, respectively a programme for road transport emissions estimation and a programme for airport emissions estimation
    Rome Province, 1997
  • Development of software related to the bibliographic system ALEPH and relative services to same
    ENEA, 1997
  • Integration and development of information systems for energy and environmental planning
    ENEA, 1997
  • Development of a cartographic module within the information system COMEST related to Italian high technology products foreign trade data
    ENEA, 1997
  • Planning for an information system for the regional air quality management plan in Liguria
    Datasiel spa, 1997
  • Implementation of the software procedures for the elaboration of bibliographic data contained in the ENEA information system
    ENEA, 1996
  • Implementation of shift management software for the Società Ferrotranviaria di Bari
    Prael SpA, 1996
  • Provision of the software PRISM for waste disposal planning
    ENEA, 1996
  • Integration and innovation for the DISIA Project "Development of an air pollutant emissions inventory information system and emission inventory production for the city of Florence"
    DISIA Projects ENEA, 1995
  • Provision of the program AIR AIR for airport emissions estimation
    Tuscany Region, 1995
  • Support for the implementation of procedures within FOCUS and ARC/INFO for the transfer of numerical and cartographic data from the Haven system to the SI.DI.MAR system
    ENEA, 1995
  • Implementation of software related to the implementation and integration of information systems regarding air pollutant emission inventories, air quality data and energy infrastructures across Italian territory; data and integration collection within the information system “SINA”
    ENEA, 1995
  • Integration of the national energy indicators database with the unified European energy indicators established by EnR (European Energy Network)
    ENEA, 1995
  • Implementation of procedures for bibliographic data processing in DMARC format
    ENEA, 1995
  • Provision of the program SETS for road transport air pollutants estimation
    Genova Province, 1995
  • Provision of the program SETS road transport air pollutants estimation and for the programme AIR AIR for air transport emissions estimation
    ENEA, 1995
  • Maintenance of the information system used for the evaluation of environmental damage consequent to the Haven incident
    ENEA, 1994
  • Provision of the program SETS for road traffic air pollutants estimation for Florence Province
    ENEA, 1994
  • Development of software for meteorological data processing
    TELESPAZIO SpA, 1994
  • Implementation of software for the analysis of air pollutant emissions uncertainty from different sources
    ENEA, 1993
  • Extension and update of MEPER (Methodologies for Regional Energy Programming)
    ENEA, 1993
  • Implementation of procedures for the development and the management of the data base related to industrial incentive laws
    ENEA, 1993
  • Update of the SINAPO Information System of the National Union of Vegetables and Fruit Producers (UNAPOA)
    UNAPOA, 1993
  • Procedures of air quality data management and processing - DISIA Project – Venice Province
    ENEA, 1993
  • Enlargement and update of MEPER ("Methodologies for the Regional Energetic Programming") referring to the modules of pollutant emissions, renewable sources and national energy balance
    ENEA, 1992
  • Implementation of the System for the elaboration of judgements and/or reliabilities of the National Union of Vegetables and Fruit Producers (UNAPOA)
    UNAPOA, 1992
  • Implementation of the System for the retrieval, acquisition, cataloguing of "full text" information of the National Union of Vegetables and Fruit Producers (UNAPOA)
    UNAPOA, 1992
  • Update of the Information System "ENERGECO"
    ENEA, 1992
  • Implementation of the module for the management of statistical information related to the production of the Information System of the National Union of Vegetables and Fruit Producers (UNAPOA)
  • Update of the information system for the management and maintenance of RAI antennas
    Olivetti Information Services SpA, 1992
  • Implementation of the information system CompeTe - ComEst (Technological Competitiveness-Foreign Commerce of high technology products)
    ENEA, 1992
  • Implementation of the information system relative to the environmental damages consequent to the ship Haven's accident
    ENEA, 1992
  • Implementation of the system related to major hazards of certain industrial areas
    ENEA, 1992
  • Information system related to MEPER project (Methodologies for the Regional Energy Programming)
    ENEA, 1991
  • Development of the energy information systems (ENERGECO and BIBL)
    ENEA, 1990
  • Implementation of environmental modules for regional energy planning and the evaluation of fiscal manoeuvres on the use of energy products
    ENEA, 1990
  • Implementation of activities of supervision and control on the development of the Information System of the Unione Nazionale Associazioni Produttori Ortofrutticoli ed Agrumari
    UNAPOA, 1990
  • Development of software and data collection for the analysis of sensitivity of the air pollutant emission estimates in complex emissive situations
    ENEA, 1990
  • Development of energy information systems (ENERGECO and BIBL)
    ENEA, 1989
  • Integration of the data management system developed by the Associazione Nazionale Cooperative Agricole della Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative
    Olivetti Information Services SpA, 1989
  • Update of the information system for the management and maintenance of RAI antennas
    Olivetti Information Services SpA, 1989
  • Development of the energy information systems (ENERGECO and BIBL)
    ENEA, 1988
  • Support to the development of the Information System of the Unione Nazionale Associazioni Produttori Ortofrutticoli ed Agrumari
    Data Division Srl, 1988
  • System for the data management developed by the Associazione Nazionale Cooperative Agricole della Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative
    SYNTAX - Generale di Sviluppo Servizi e Sistemi Software SpA, 1987
  • Analysis and development of interfaces between the bibliographic system of ENEA and the base of DOE ENERGY
    ENEA, 1987
  • Implementation of the Information System of the Unione Nazionale Associazioni Produttori Ortofrutticoli ed Agrumari
    Data Division srl, 1987
  • Development of an applicative software relative to air pollutant emissions in Italy
    ENEA, 1987
  • Compilation of a database related to air pollutant emissions in Italy
    Fimbes, 1986