Training and assistance
In the following the activities listed are uniquely related to training and assistance; when the latter, as often happens, are integrated into more complex tasks, they are listed under the appropriate item (Environment and energy governance system, Plans and programmes, Models and software, Inventories and registers).
- Advanced Training Program on Air Quality Control
Venice International University, 2008
- Pilot project for the observance of EU Reporting obligations and toward the accord of national legislation with the Acquis Communautaire of the European Union in the sectors air quality, industrial pollution control and climate change
Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro, 2008
- Technical support to the Central and Eastern Europe Task Force
Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, 2005
- Air pollution training
ARPA Umbria, 2005
- Course of Integrated training ‘Tecnico per il Controllo, Gestione e Recupero Ambientale" Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "Amedeo di Savoia Duca d'Aosta" (L'Aquila), 2001
- Organisation and compilation of a training database relative to DPR 175
ENEA, 1995
- Delivery of the training course ORACLE Report Writer
PRAEL Sistemi SpA, 1995
- Delivery of training activities relative to the FOCUS system in a personal computer environment with the Associazione Nazionale Cooperative Agricole
Olivetti Information Services SpA, 1990
- Delivery of the work placement "Computer science applied to the construction of models and the management of environmental data" - " Formazione di Rilevatori e Verificatori di dati ambientali"
- Delivery of training related to the FOCUS system in a personal computer environment for the Italian State Telephone Company and the Province of Rome
SYNTAX, 1988
- Delivery of training related to the FOCUS system in a mainframe environment for the Italian State Telephone Company and the Province of Rome
SYNTAX, 1987